School : General Information and Academic Administration
Student Teacher Name : Aldisha Tamara Debrina
Home University : Sebelas Maret University of Indonesia (UNS)
Receiving University : Technological Institute of the Phillipines (TIP)
Receiving School : Batino Elementary School (SPED Center) Quezon City Phillipines
There is Life in every Live
1. School Profile
School Name
Batino Elementary School
Batino Street. Barangay. Amihan Project 3 Quezon City, Phillipines
Ma. Wevena A. Dañas
Telp Number
(02) 4342791
Web Address
Short History and Background
Batino Elementary School was established in 1978 to meet the growing number of exceptionalities in 1978 included the deaf, the blind, the intellectual disabled and children with behavioral problems and learning disabilties. The initial operation of the center started with 28 pupils with four SPED teachers and eight regular teachers. The school located in Barangay Amihan, Project 3 Quezon City Phillipines.
School Description
The school lies in a 9,750 sq meter land. The school consist of buildings. The school is catagorized as an institution with special school established in this Division, which in operation for 40 years now.
At present, BES caters 872 pupils comprising the regular and SPED pupils from Kinder to grade VI with 36 regular and SPED teachers headed by the principal.
The Batino Elementary (SPED Center) envisions itself to be the leading special education center in the Division of Quezon City by providing excellent programs and services for its special and general education pupils thereby producing individuals with holistic development in the spiritual, physical, cognitive, emotional and social areas.
The Batino Elementary (SPED Center) commits itself to offer high quality pupil – centered education to special and general education learners by providing them opportunities to become God-fearing, physically healthy, intellectually curious, emotionally mature and socially responsible individuals.
2. Academic Support System
Batino Elementary School (SPED Center) has a good facilities for academic support system, this school has so many classroom that devide by 3 buildings, One building for SPED center and the two others for Regular Class. Batino Elementary School has a good facilities for example LCD projectors in the classroom, has a study hall, library, electrical fan in the classroom, canteen, and so many learning media that can be find there.
3. Teaching System
The teaching system in Batino Elementary School based on K-12 curriculum where the students have a role as the learning center and the teacher is only as a facilitatory or we usually called it as a student-centered learning system. This curriculum force the students to being active in the learning activities. So, the students can receive the materials more individually.
4.Materials and Other Learning Sources
Batino Elementary School has so many materials and other learning sources to support the students academic. The first thing is the teacher must prepared a lesson plan for teaching based on K-12 curriculum. On the learning process, teachers can use the various textbook, goverment book, colorful and creative media . And for the learning sources, usually the teacher give pupils a worksheet or task from the book.
5. Measurment and Evaluation System
Measurment and Evaluation System in Batino Elementary School based on the K-12 Curriculum, the goverment of the Philippines has two examination for measurement and evalution. There are a midterm examination and final examination. Beside that, the teacher give a quiz or weekly test first to measure student's knowledge.
6. Curriculum
Batino Elementary School used a curriculum based on K-12 Basic Education Program. Because this curriculum is derived directly from goverments in the Philippines.
7. Teaching Plan
In Regular Class of Elementary School, the teaching plan must be prepared before the learning process. The learning must be active, creative and understandable. The important thing is the teaching plan based on the K-12 Curriculum.